Life Changing Habits of the World’s Best Drivers

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Life Changing Habits of the World’s Best Drivers

Being the world’s best motorsports driver doesn’t come easy but require immense discipline and sincerity. Driving isn’t just confined to race tracks, roads, steering wheels and nitro boosters but a lot of aspects on the back end which sculpt a perfect driver irrespective of the format. Skill definitely plays the major part here but molding it into a regular habit and keeping it consistent requires true efforts.

Here are top 7 habits straight from the champions’ shelves which you can also adapt to be a better drive.

  1.  Knowing the ‘ABC’ of a car: It is a no-brainer, but we cannot stop emphasizing it enough. The basics remain the same but before getting into a car, it is important to know the features and necessary figures of it including engine and machine specifications, safety arrangements, behavior in extreme conditions and underlying maintenance costs etc.


  1.  Prepping up the body: Before getting behind the wheel, best drivers usually go through their medical history to check if they are actually fit for the race or not. People with cases of any mental illness or any major physical disabilities tend to have a hard time on the road and might pose a threat to the lives of other peoples as well. Seasoned drivers like to indulge in other physical activities like jogging or swimming to keep the boy fit and free from lethargy.


  1.  Sleeping it off: Body cannot function at its best if it lacking rest which is the major reason of road accidents. Before setting off on a journey, ensure that you feel fresh and body is well rested. Any signs of fatigue can lead to injury.


  1.  Stress management: Driving requires alertness and concentration. Thus it is advisable not to drive in cases of stress. Indulge in some leisure activity to bid goodbye to the stress or it might take a toll on the body and the road.


  1.  Getting over the influences: Pursuing any activity which can hinder the motor skills and hand-eye coordination must be avoided at all costs before driving. Even the professional racers suggest saying no to drugs and alcohol and smoking as it can get in the way of your senses and lead to fatalities.


  1.  Healthy Eating Habits: The food one intakes can majorly affect the activeness of the driver. Consuming food rich in carbohydrates such as rice and potatoes can make you feel energetic and thus helping at the time of giving a performance. Taking a light meal full of fibers and veggies will keep you active and refreshed. It is always good to keep the stomach little empty. Consider having salads, healthy sandwiches, fruits, yogurt etc before getting in the car.


  1.  Keep calm: Patience goes a long way, be it on race tracks or driving lanes. It doesn’t mean that one should keep calm and let it be. Obviously, thinking on the feet and quick actions are important but not to the extent that it turns into road rage. Situations which can be handled with a little bit of patience can often reduce the risk of road accidents. Also, retaining your calm in stressful situations can help you arrive at smarter decisions on the road and spare you from any injury.

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